My Garden

Welcome to my garden blog; we have lived in this house for 32 years and the garden was virtually bare when we moved in. I think we had 2 Queen Elizabeth roses and some Rhubarb!
The small front garden however had 9 huge clumps of orange Mombresia around the lawn's edge.
We garden on heavy clay which is challenging but over the years we've worked out what works and what doesn't.
The garden has been a playground for our three children over the years and we are not precious about it but we do know what we like.
I hope you enjoy following it through the year.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th 2011 ~ Medlar Confusion

This year has passed by so quickly and we have been so busy that the garden has had to take care of itself on the whole. I will try to catch up with a few images and reports as the year draws to a close.

One of the mildest October/November spells I can remember; we wait to see if records will be broken or whether we will after all have snow before the end of the month!!

The Medlar Tree
It is laden with fruit so we shall once again be busy making jelly and chutney in time for Christmas I hope.

Autumn or Spring
Ripe fruits and blossom

Bud about to open

A new shoot emerging over a ripe fruit

A bletted fruit, ready to pick despite only one of the lightest frost some weeks ago and only then on the car windscreen really.


  1. I planted a Medlar tree in the grounds of the big house last winter so I'm looking forward to seeing it as good as yours.

  2. Good luck with your tree Rob, sorry to have taken so long to reply. What age tree did you plant? I think ours was a 3 year old. Whereabouts are you, have you seen other Medlars locally? I love the random nature of the tree and although tempted on occasion to prune it into some sort of order, even if to assist lawn mowing, I have managed to resist. Our grandchildren love to run under it and the huge leaves and drooping branches make for an excellent hidey hole. The crop from last season was good and we made jelly and chutney again. It is full of bud now and we look forward to the leaves and large blossoms emerging soon. Hope yours is doing well, ours is planted on clay so we have to watch the watering but usually I use the 'juice' from my wormery so it gets a bit of a feed as well though I suspect it doesn't need that much pampering! Hope you enjoy your tree as much as we do. Shelagh
