My Garden

Welcome to my garden blog; we have lived in this house for 32 years and the garden was virtually bare when we moved in. I think we had 2 Queen Elizabeth roses and some Rhubarb!
The small front garden however had 9 huge clumps of orange Mombresia around the lawn's edge.
We garden on heavy clay which is challenging but over the years we've worked out what works and what doesn't.
The garden has been a playground for our three children over the years and we are not precious about it but we do know what we like.
I hope you enjoy following it through the year.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 2010 ~ Guest Garden Two

Yesterday we helped Will & the girls to collect their three ex-battery chickens from a collection point near Denmead. Although not strictly gardening, in the horticultural sense, it does seem a very good use of a garden to give these chickens a happy, but still productive, retirement. Their life to this point has been an indoors existence regulated by timed lighting and egg collections.
Hopefully they will settle in and be contended in their new environment.

This was the collection point; a stable unit the rehousing group used for the day.

They had a pedicure before being put in the box we'd provided.

Will & Esmé with their chickens

Back home and Esmé & Maggie check them out

A series of photos showing them being taken carefully out of the box and introduced to their new home.

Next morning they had produced two eggs; quite a surprise after only one day.

All three wandering about the garden; I hope Will has clipped their flight wings!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August ~ Filberts & Thieves

Filbert Nuts

Nuts on the Filbert Tree ~ ripening nicely

Next day!! A Thief is about

I see you!

Grey Squirrel thief tucking in to rock hard filbert nuts
We need another month before we could eat them

Orchid ~ August and Flowers & Buds

My Orchid ~ Late August 2010

Just a selection of photos here
I don't think they need words

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Orchid ~ August and new shoot and buds


Indoor gardening here
This was a Mother's Day present from Kelly & the girls last year
I had flowers for 6 months and assumed it had burned itself out
I looked after it well but haven't repotted it yet
Then suddenly, over a few days this stem grew and the buds developed

Possibly 6 buds showing here

Amazing to think of the beauty that hides within

I can't wait for this to open and to see the flower unfurl

Monday, August 2, 2010

Blueberry Bush ~ August ~ Harvest

Blueberry Bush

Most of the fruit is ripe now so we've harvested all that was ready

Bunches of large fruits, some at least half an inch across

We filled a bowl and when weighed it was about 330gms
There are a few left on the bush left to ripen