My Garden

Welcome to my garden blog; we have lived in this house for 32 years and the garden was virtually bare when we moved in. I think we had 2 Queen Elizabeth roses and some Rhubarb!
The small front garden however had 9 huge clumps of orange Mombresia around the lawn's edge.
We garden on heavy clay which is challenging but over the years we've worked out what works and what doesn't.
The garden has been a playground for our three children over the years and we are not precious about it but we do know what we like.
I hope you enjoy following it through the year.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Front Garden ~ A Winter's Tale

January 2010
What a snowy scene in the front garden!

Me on the verge having been for a walk

Snow lying after many days and piled up on the garden to try to clear the driveway a bit.

My husband on the verge outside the garden

We had nearly 8" which fell in two days
~ Very unusual for south Hampshire ~


  1. Haha, you've pimped your blog :) looks good

  2. Glad you like it; I took advantage of some new templates and chose this one as the most appropriate.
