My Garden

Welcome to my garden blog; we have lived in this house for 32 years and the garden was virtually bare when we moved in. I think we had 2 Queen Elizabeth roses and some Rhubarb!
The small front garden however had 9 huge clumps of orange Mombresia around the lawn's edge.
We garden on heavy clay which is challenging but over the years we've worked out what works and what doesn't.
The garden has been a playground for our three children over the years and we are not precious about it but we do know what we like.
I hope you enjoy following it through the year.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Flowers 6 ~ Star of Bethlehem

~ Star of the Veldt ~
Well this is what my mother always calls it but I think that is an orange large daisy like flower.
Still that's what we call it so until I know different that's what it is!!!

~ Star of Bethlehem ~
This seems more like it: Ornithogalum umbellatum

Another plant transferred from my parents' garden in Devon; they do better there but cope with Hampshire clay and of course only open in the sunshine.


  1. I've been trying to ID this flower as well--we used to find it growing wild in meadows and roadsides. I thought it was Star of Bethlehem, but that one seems to have a "branching" shape whereas these are grassier. Also, do yours have an odd oniony smell? Ours did!

  2. Sorry DC that I didn't get to reply before; these are quite squat, about 6" tall and have small white bulbs with tiny ones breaking off. I think you are right about the oniony smell too. They spread like wildfire and I am actually trying to curtail them at the moment as they were encroaching onto the newly turfed lawn!!
